Saturday, May 21, 2011

Public speaking doesn't have to be a nightmare! (Part 2 of two parts)

Once you have finalized your speech, it’s time to practice your delivery.

Read the speech out loud several times to become familiar with content. This ensures that you will not be bound to the written page.

Do not memorize the speech. This can result in wooden delivery, especially when you are concentrating on remembering what you memorized.

Other important factors:

. Eye contact: Your eyes should sweep the room, occasionally focusing on members of the audience. This gives your audience the impression that you are relating to them personally. They are more likely to pay attention.

. Proper attire: If you are not dressed in the same manner as your audience, you will be uncomfortable. Find out in advance what attire is appropriate for the event.

. Enthusiastic delivery: A successful orator is confident and enthusiastic about his subject. His delivery is energetic, fast-paced, and to the point. He does not launch into tangential discussions—he leads the audience in one direction. He challenges the audience, forcing them into a silent debate. He uses short sentences and words that everyone understands. He does not talk down to the audience, he converses with them.

. Positive body language: It’s all right to be nervous, but don’t let it dictate your physical movement throughout the speech. Nothing unsettles an audience more than a speaker who paces back and forth, or shifts from foot to foot, or just will not stand still. Purposeful movement and gestures, however, keep the audience involved. Some speakers act out parts of their speeches, or use gestures when making a point. An example: In a speech about myths in education, the dean of a well-known university mockingly genuflected every time he used a cliche’ or referred to a popular fallacy. It added humor to his remarks, but also provided a creative outlet for his nervous energy.

. Visuals: Visuals should enhance a presentation, not detract from it. Unfortunately, Murphy’s Law applies here: What could go wrong will, unless you have everything in order. Slides should be marked, overheads should be numbered, and videotapes and software programs should be cued up properly. Equipment should be thoroughly checked out in advance to make sure everything is operating properly. If you are not familiar with a particular piece of equipment, avoid it.

. Encourage questions: Sometimes an audience is initially shy about asking questions. If this happens, start off the question and answer period by saying, “I am often asked —,” or “Just this morning, I was reminded about —.”

. Repeat questions: Repeat questions from the audience so everyone can hear them. This also gives you few seconds to ponder your answer. Bridge back to your messages as often as you can. This keeps you focused.

. End on a timely basis: You should decide when the Q & A session is over (unless there is a moderator). If it feels like things are winding down, just say, “We have time for one final question” and wrap up.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Public speaking doesn't have to be a nightmare!

I had been asked to join a panel discussion on mediation and arbitration in the public sector before a state school board association. I worked on my part of the presentation for a week, and the morning before the scheduled panel, I rehearsed in my hotel room. Confident that I was sufficiently prepared, I joined some friends for lunch, and planned on picking up my notes in my room well before the panel discussion. But when I returned to my room, my speech was gone.

I quickly called Housekeeping, and about 30 minutes prior to my appearance, it was found on its way to the incinerator. Clutching the now rumpled, stained papers, I rushed to the room where I was speaking. I breathed a huge sigh of relief as I slid into my seat—until the first speaker got up, and instead of speaking on the topic previously agreed upon, covered my part of the panel discussion. Frantically, I scribbled notes, hoping to shape another approach.

When my turn came, I got up and told my story about the disappearing speech. I jokingly concluded with, “And now I know what happened to it. Chuck just gave it.” With smiles on their faces, my audience forgave me in advance for a less-than-perfect presentation.

A recent survey revealed that speaking is one of the five worst human fears. Delivering a good speech is an art. Some people are born with the skills and instincts necessary to give an effective speech, others must learn those skills.

An effective orator can turn even the dullest subject into a magical expedition through fact or fiction. An ineffective speaker often finds himself addressing a rapidly diminishing audience.

For an effective presentation, follow these tips:

. Consider the event: You wouldn’t deliver a humorous monologue at a funeral (except in unusual circumstances), and the same rule holds true for speaking appearances. Serious topics are appropriate for business meetings. Reserve lighter remarks for more social occasions, for example, a banquet where everyone has been through a cocktail hour and dinner. A word about jokes: These days, someone will be offended by almost any joke. It is best to poke fun at yourself, rather than others.

. Know your audience: How familiar will your audience be with the subject of your remarks? How much background or explanation will they require? Are they interested only in certain issues falling within your realm of expertise? Talk to the concerns of the audience. Give them a good reason to listen to you.

. Know your role: Are you the keynote speaker or one of many? As a keynote speaker, you will have much greater latitude in selecting the content of your remarks. If you are one of several speakers, you will want to avoid repeating the comments of others, and find a way to distinguish yourself. This may require some additional investigation and preparation.

. Know your subject: Your remarks should address a subject you know. Lack of knowledge is often revealed through excessive nervousness. Do not risk destroying your credibility: Speak on your area of expertise.

. Organize content: After selecting your subject, think about the key points you want to make. Select no more than four. Organize your remarks around those points. Use examples, statistics and quotes from third-party experts to support your arguments. Stress solutions, or paths to finding solutions.

. Pay attention to word choice: Once you have prepared your remarks, read them out loud. Are there any words or phrases that do not ring true? What words did you stumble over? Did you use passive verbs rather than active ones? Adjust your speech accordingly.

Next week: Practicing your delivery!